Frequently Asked Questions


What are the requirements for membership?

Membership is awarded based on qualifications and relevant industry experience.

What is the process to register for membership with the IISA?

Please check on the IISA membership page for the different membership options and requirements per membership level.

You then need to create a username and password on the member portal by completing your personal details. Once all the personal details are completed and you have successfully created a profile, you can then proceed with your application for membership.

Can I study directly with IISA?

The IISA does not offer any qualifications. Prospective members need to study with a provider that offers approved insurance qualifications.

Where can I study for insurance qualifications?

The IISA awards membership on approved insurance related qualifications. Graduate Institute of Financial Sciences, UNISA, Milpark Education and Moonstone currently offer qualifications in insurance for your consideration. Please note that membership is not restricted to qualifications completed with these institutions. All relevant approved qualifications will be considered for membership with the IISA.

Does IISA offer any insurance related short courses?

The IISA offers face to face courses that focus on Qualification Support for key insurance modules, Technical Insurance, Hot Topics in the industry and Introductory topics. Each course is designed to improve your skills and subject-matter understanding. By booking your place at these workshops, you gain access to up-to-date industry knowledge and leading-edge techniques that you can put into practice every day.

Can I apply for exemptions to study further with IISA?

The IISA does not approve any exemptions. Individuals needs to apply with Institutes of Higher Learning that they have chosen to study with in order for them to apply for exemptions.

Does IISA only offer membership to individuals in South Africa

No. Our member base is made up of members that are based in different parts of the world.

Where can I access my CPD hours?

Members and CPD Affiliates of the Insurance Institute of South Africa are able to view their CPD hours on the member portal. In addition, members can also download a CPD report of all the courses that are loaded on their CPD profiles.

Is there an additional cost to upload CPD hours from activities completed by IISA members?

The IISA records CPD and provides access to CPD records for paid-up members at no extra charge.

What is the current CPD requirement for Professional Members of the IISA?

Professional Members are required to record a minimum of 18 CPD hours per membership cycle.

When does the membership cycle start?

The membership cycle is from 1 June - 30 May

What is the benefit of being a member of the IISA?

Being an affiliated professional member of the IISA positions one in good standing and indicates that the member has undergone extensive insurance training and has acquired the necessary experience at the various levels.

Does the IISA keep records of CPD activities for all individuals in the insurance industry?

The IISA only keeps records of CPD activities for paid up members and CPD Affiliates.

Become a professional member